Congratulations to Federica Nazzani on receiving the ICCO Businesswoman of the Year Award.
The Italian Chamber of Commerce of Ontario (ICCO) is a non-profit business organization whose main objective is to develop and create business relationships between Canada and its Italian commercial partners and investors.
Every year, the Italian Chamber of Commerce of Ontario organizes the Business Excellence Awards (BEA). The BEA Gala reunites some of the most important and successful people of the Canadian business community of Italian origin and its aim is to recognize excellence and social responsibility.
Several distinguished individuals of the community have been the recipients of the awards in the past and among them: Sergio Marchionne, Frank Iacobucci, Sandra Pupatello, Julie Di Lorenzo, John Ruffolo, Joseph Natale, and many others.
This year the BEA will take place Thursday, May 24th, 2018 at the Liberty Grand Entertainment Complex, Toronto, starting at 5:00 pm with a cocktail reception followed by a dinner gala.
To read the ICCO Press Release Click Here